Two years after his wife’s unexpected death, a renowned stage actor and director receives an offer to direct a production of Uncle Vanya at a theatre festival in Hiroshima. There, an introverted young woman is assigned by the festival to chauffeur him in his own beloved red Saab 900. Together, they confront painful truths raised from the past and find new ways to move forward.
Cannes Film Festival nominee for the Palme d’Or and winner of the Best Screenplay Award; 4x Academy Award Nominations and Academy Award winner for Best International Feature Film; 3x BAFTA nominations and BAFTA winner for Best Film Not In The English Language.
Japanese with English subtitles.
* Showtime: 7.30pm
* Tickets: £4 Members, £6 Non-Members and £3 Under 18s.
* Please book tickets online before 12 noon on the day of the screening.